Fotoaufnahmen der Ausstellung im Lehngericht Augustusburg © Jana Margarete Schuler
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung kunst & dialog im Lehngericht Augustusburg zeigte ich zum Abschluss meiner Residency im Programm "Orte der Demokratie" Polaroidaufnahmen, die während der Recherche zum Film GESPRÄCHE ÜBER BÄUME entstanden waren sowie bei den Dreharbeiten gesammelte Fundstücke. Auf einem Bildschirm präsentierten der Medienkünstler Marcus Nebe und ich den Rohschnitt von CONVERSATIONS ABOUT TREES. Protagonist:innen des Films, wie der Baumbotschafter Sachsens Uwe Dathe, der eine innige Freundschaft mit einer alten Eiche pflegt und die Fotografin Petra Strassner, die seit ihrer Kindheit die sogenannte Kaffeelinde besucht sowie der erzgebirgische Kettensägenkünstler Tilo Schubert trugen eigene Arbeiten zur Ausstellung im Festsaal des Vereins auf weiter flur e.V. bei.
Tangled Up in You (Ineinander Verstrickt) tells the story of an unusual encounter. During a design workshop, women from diverse cultural and age groups get to know each other. Among them are Mahshid, a young Iranian woman who fled her home country with her son Radmehr. Marieme, who left Senegal to be able to feed her six children. Cheshmeh from Iran, who fights for women's rights and Mariam from Georgia, who seeks artistic freedom. While they wait for decisions on their asylum applications the women from the arrival centre design up-cycled outfits together with long-established Bamberg women like the once knitting-enthusiast 91-year-old Renate, whose hands don't work anymore, and Anette, who passes on boxes of knitted mementos from her family. Throughout the time the women teach each other to knit they tell each other stories. In this way, intimate friendships gradually develop in the open workshop alongside unusual individual pieces.
WORKSHOPS Karina Liutaia
CAMERA / EDIT Marcus Nebe, Lena Maria Held
SOUND Julia Maria Schletter, Johannes Nebe, Lena Maria Held, Marcus Nebe
MUSIC Diego Hernandez Suarez, Johannes Nebe, Vahid Rahmani
SUBTITLES Joshua Michael Payne
A FILM BY Lena Maria Held and Marcus Nebe with Mariam, Marieme, Mahshid, Cheshmeh, Radmehr, Karina, Anette, Renate, Walter, Brigitte, Erna and Gela
Does art have an effect on non-artistic reality and, if so, to what degree can art shape society and politics?
For their film, Lena Maria Held and Marcus Nebe, spoke with diverse members of the Warsaw art scene, such as the visual artist Zuzanna Janin, the illustrator Luka Rayski or the photographer Rafal Milach, about their efforts to impact Poland’s political environment through the use of art as a political tool. Beginning with its 2015 victory of the presidential and parliamentary elections in Poland, the National Conservative Party "Law and Justice" (PiS), gradually undermined Poland’s democratic institutions by disrupting the separation of powers. As Polish citizens sensed the shortcomings of the new government, resistance reached the streets. Art Against Politics documents the visual and creative interventions of local artists, who were drawn to respond to the political turmoil and contribute to the social resistance movement through the means available to them.
A FILM BY Lena Maria Held & Marcus Nebe with Luka Rayski, Zuzanna Janin, Witek Orski, Rafał Milach, Justyna Kowalska, ŻUBRZYCE, Wojchiech Korkuc, Karolina Bregula & Agnieszka Rayzacher.
Interview mit Zuzanna Janin in ihrem Warschauer Studio © Marcus Nebe
Der Künstler Luka Rayski in seinem Atelier © Marcus Nebe
Dreharbeiten bei der Musikerfamilie Strauss-Orlovsky im Garten ihres Mainschlösschens © Bastian Sünkel
Fünf Filme von Lena Maria Held & Marcus Nebe mit Susanne Strauss und Harald Strauss-Orlovsky, Familie Pohl, Helmut Vorndran, Rolf Friedenstab und Martin Neubauer.
REGIE / KAMERA / TON / SCHNITT Lena Maria Held & Marcus Nebe
KONZEPT Bastian Sünkel
TONASSISTENZ Karsten Barbucke
© Bastian Sünkel